How to Add a Learning Resource

How to Add a Learning Resource

Hi! We’re so glad you want to contribute to the community by sharing your knowledge in a blog post, you’ll see how easy is 💗.

Hugo Installation.

Hugo Logo

First you need to install Hugo in your OS, Hugo is the static page generator that we are using, that’s why you need to install it.

Installation process for Arch Linux:

1sudo pacman -Syu hugo

Installation process for Debian & Ubuntu:

1sudo apt-get install hugo

Installation process for Fedora:

1sudo dnf install hugo

Installation process for Windows (Chocolatey):

1choco install hugo -confirm

Installation process for macOS (Homebrew):

1brew install hugo

Clone the github repository.

After the Hugo installation process you need to clone the Tech Talks page repository to add a new learning resource.

1git clone

Create your branch.

Inside the github repo you can create your branch with your learning resource' name:

1git checkout -b learning/resource-name

Add your learning resource.

To add the learning resource you need to execute the following command:

1hugo new learning-resources/

This command will create a file in the directory: content/learning-resources/, please open the file.

Then you’ll see the following properties (every one is required), the only thing you have to do is to add the image in the directory static/img/resources/resource-name.png and update all the properties, when you finished you must set draft to false, it won’t appear in the deploy other way.

2title: "Resource Name"
3draft: true
4cover_image: /img/resources/title.png
5description: "brief summary"
6categories: ['category']
7link: ''


The End 😂

That’s everything you need to publish a a new learning resource. 😎 Hope you enjoy it and see you next time. 😘